Voucher & Exam Booking

Voucher & Exam Booking

Everything You Need to Know:

Booking your exam has never been easier with the option to use exam vouchers. Vouchers are pre-purchased codes provided by organizations or employers to cover the cost of certification exams. They simplify the payment process, making it hassle-free for test-takers.

How It Works:
  1. Obtain a voucher from your employer, organization, or directly purchase it through the authorized Kryterion Testing Center.
  2. Visit the Kryterion exam booking portal and select your preferred test.
  3. Enter the voucher code during checkout to cover the cost of your exam.
  4. Choose your testing mode: online proctored or in-person at an authorized testing center.
  5. Confirm your date and time, and you’re all set!

Using vouchers not only saves time but also ensures secure and flexible exam bookings. For bulk purchases or assistance, feel free to contact us. Let us help you take the next step in your certification journey!

For assistance or to purchase vouchers for bulk exams, contact us. Secure your future by booking your exam today!


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